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Proposed Expansion of existing Waste Management Facility at RecyCo Waste Management Ltd
Welcome to the Online Community Consultation by RecyCo Waste Ltd (“RecyCo”) in respect of a prospective planning application for the expansion of the existing waste management facility at Mountfield Quarry, Barony Road, Omagh.
The purpose of this Online Consultation process is to engage with the local community about the proposed scheme and to provide details of the proposed development. This will also provide some background information about the need for this facility to help explain why RecyCo are making this application. We hope this will help provide the local community with an understanding of the proposed scheme and an opportunity to provide feedback or to ask questions about the development.
Please take some time to browse the information and you can provide us with your thoughts via the Feedback Form further below.
RecyCo intends to submit a planning application for modifications to and an extension of their existing waste management facility at Barony Road, Omagh. The proposal is explained in detail further below, but in summary this include a modification to reduce and re-orientate the storage building that was previously approved and a new building for the recycling of waste food grade plastics to produce recycled plastic pellets for the use in manufacturing of new food packaging.
This new building is proposed to maximise the volume of waste recovery that can be utilised for future use and to respond to new government regulations that will require all food manufactures to include a higher percentage of recycled plastic in their packaging. This is in line with the Waste Hierarchy as it increase the recovery of recycled components from waste and ultimately reduces the amount of waste sent to landfill or for incineration.
RecyCo are currently licenced to process some 150,0000 tonnes of waste per years and this includes mixed municipal waste, inert waste, garden and park waste, commercial and industrial and a range of paper/ cardboard and plastic wastes. The proposal will not increase the total volume waste that is currently licenced and permitted to be accepted at this facility. The new building will process around 20,000tonnes of the permitted food grade plastic waste streams and provide some 10,000- 14,000 tonnes of recycled compound pellets for use by the food manufacturing industry.
Click HERE to view Further Information About the Proposal
This proposal is intended to respond to developments in the food manufacturing sector and advances in waste recycling and recovery sector and in particular for the recovery of Category 2 HDPE Plastics for use in the food packaging sector.
The UK legislation and taxation rules pertaining to food packaging are changing and new regulation will introduce a requirement for all new food packaging to comprise a minimum of 30% recycled plastic compounds. Similar legislative changes have been introduced in Republic of Ireland.
However, there is currently no facility on the island of Ireland that recycles food grade plastic to produce these compound pellets for re-use in the manufacturing section. There are also limited facilities in UK. Therefore, there is an urgent need for this type of facility to produce Category 2 HDPE recycled compounds in the UK and Ireland. The absence of this type waste management facility in Northern Ireland leaves the region vulnerable to a breach of UK legislation, an unnecessary increase in carbon footprint, increases in haulage costs and issues regarding delays in the export of food packaging.
A local solution to resolve unnecessary waste is urgently needed to provide secure sustainable long term solutions for reusable plastics for our community.
RecyCo have anticipated this change in legislation and have been working on this proposal to expand its existing operations to further add value to the waste plastic recovery and recycling elements.
This proposal will help to provide this solution. It will utilise the Category 2 HDPE waste plastic produced from waste food packaging and will recycle it to produce recycled plastic pellets, which can then be used by food manufacturers to produce ‘recycle food packaging’.
The site situated within the lands of Mountfield Quarry, 89 Barony Road, Mountfield, Omagh. The site is located in the countryside between Omagh and Cookstown as illustrated below.
The site extends to almost 5.43 hectares and comprises part of the existing Recyco Waste Management Facility and access lane, which is located to the rear of the existing quarry facility.
The Map below annotates the existing RecyCo Facility outlined in blue and the proposal planning application area is outlined in Red.
The site benefits from an existing planning approval which permits the operations of the waste management facility and this includes:
• A Material Recovery Facility ( MRF)- for the acceptance, sorting and processing fo mixed waste streams
• An inert Landfill- for the backfilling and restoration of part of the former quarry void.
In total the site is permitted to process up to 150,000 tonnes of waste per year. The site currently operates under a Waste Management Licence.
Further details about the site, including the planning history and existing approved plans can be viewed by clicking the link below:
Click HERE to view information About the Site
The proposal intends to upgrade and expand the existing facility to include a new building which will provide the additional production of pellets for the use in manufacturing of new food packaging.
The proposed development describes as:
Retention of Shed 2 as constructed for the sorting and storage of waste as part of the approved MRF (amendment to Planning Permissions K.2008/0997/F) and relocation of glass washer and associated glass storage bays. And the extension of existing waste management facility to include the erection of new waste management building (Shed 3) for the shredding, washing and pelletizing of food grade and other associated site works (involving a reduction in the inert landfill area (Phase 1) as approved under K/2008/0997/F
In essence this propsoal involves two elements.
1. Retention of ‘Shed 2’ as constructed for the sorting and storage of waste as part of the approved MRF, involving an amendment to the building granted under K/2008/0997/F to reduce the total floorspace and re-reorientate it by ninety degrees and the relocation of glass washer and associated storage bays to enhance circulation around the yard.
2. Extension of existing waste management facility to include the erection of a new waste management building ‘Shed 3’ for the sorting, shredding, washing ad pelletising of Category 2- HDPE food grade plastics and other associated site works. This will be located on part of the lands previously approved for the inert landfill and consequently this will involve a reduction in the inert landfill area (Phase 2) as approved under K/2008/0997/F.
This proposal has been developed in response to changes in the food chain supply sector and in the waste management regulations. It will address a identified need to increase the recovery of food grade waste plastics for the reuse in the manufacturing of recycled food containers. There are currently no other facilities n Northern Ireland / Republic of Ireland and as such food packaging manufacturing on this Island a limited from producing recycled packaging.
The new facility in Shed 3 will have the capacity to process some 20,000 tonnes of waste food grade plastics to provide some 10,000- 14,0000 tonnes of recycled compound pellets for use by the food manufacturing industry. This does not seek to increase the total waste throughout already approved at Recyco MRF; rather this will utilise a portion of pre-approved annual throughput of 150,000 tonnes for which the site is already licenced.
The proposed Plans can be viewed by clicking on the links below:
Click HERE to view Proposed Location Map + Site Plan
Click HERE to view Proposed Plans for Shed 2
Click HERE to view Proposed Plans for Shed 3
Further Information about the proposed scheme can be viewed by clicking on the links below:
Click HERE to view Further Information About the Proposal
At the end of this Consultation period the applicant intends to submit this planning application to Fermanagh and Omagh District Council. In the meantime, we are keen to hear the views of the local community and are carrying out this Consultation to help inform the design process prior to submission of the planning application later this year.
The feedback recieved during this consultaiton has been taken into account